Here is the view from the Living room And the after
(eventual Dining room) looking towards the
Kitchen before demo
We took out a portion of the wall that divided the two rooms so you don't have to go around a corner to get into the kitchen anymore. Still have to put the corner wall up to hide the vent pipe...
Here is the view from the Hallway into
the kitchen before demo...see why my
gigantic fridge wouldn't fit around the
chimney stack?
View from Kitchen toward Living room
before demo and after...
the kitchen cabinets were a hideous yellow/orange stain. I am slowly stripping them and whitewashing. there is a slight 50's retro decorating that is meshing well with my furniture so I think the scroll work is going to stay, at least for now...
and of course the workbench that I found downstairs that I turned into an island for the kitchen. had an enamel wear top, perfect for prepping meals! It just needed a little whitewashing to match the cabinets
Found the hutch at the thrift store. glass shelves and lighting in top. It is housed in the dining room currently, but will move to kitchen once we get the stairwell moved